Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

12 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 6023
Author(s): Cadden, Joan
Title : Nothing Natural Is Shameful: Vestiges of a Debate about Sex and Science in a Group of Late-Medieval Manuscripts [The author examines Pietro d'Abano's commentary, Walter Burley's abbreviated version, and reactions to Burley's text, all in regard to "Problemata," Part Four on sexual intercourse; Burley forthrightly justifies the propriety of studying sex for natural history and philosophy although he chose to remove Pietro d'Abano's comments on male homosexuality from his text; subsequent copyists and readers of Burley's text reacted to the section on sexual intercourse, in one case by toning down his defensive arguments and in another by eliminating the entire offending section].
Source: Speculum , 76., 1 (January 2001):  Pages 66 - 89.
Year of Publication: 2001.

2. Record Number: 4827
Author(s): Bestul, Thomas H.
Title : The Meditation on Mary Magdalene of Alexander Nequam [The author provides the first edition of Alexander Neckham's "Meditation on Mary Magdalene" written in Latin].
Source: Journal of Medieval Latin , 9., ( 1999):  Pages 1 - 40.
Year of Publication: 1999.

3. Record Number: 3367
Title : Misogyny in a Medieval University? The "Hoc contra malos" Commentary on Walter Map's "Dissuasio Valerii" [the commentator makes no attempt to develop or justify the bigotry expressed by Map against women].
Source: Journal of Medieval Latin , 8., ( 1998):  Pages 156 - 191.
Year of Publication: 1998.

4. Record Number: 4345
Author(s): Minnis, A.J.
Title : De impedimento sexus: Women's Bodies and Medieval Impediments to Female Ordination
Source: Medieval Theology and the Natural Body.   Edited by Peter Biller and A.J. Minnis York Studies in Medieval Theology .   York Medieval Press, 1997. German Life and Letters , 50., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 109 - 139.
Year of Publication: 1997.

5. Record Number: 2456
Title : God and Gynaecology: "Women's Secrets" in the Dutch "Historiebijbel van 1360"
Source: German Life and Letters , 50., 4 (October 1997):  Pages 390 - 402.
Year of Publication: 1997.

6. Record Number: 1616
Author(s): Pigg, Daniel F.
Title : Medieval Theories of Textual Formation and the Book of Margery Kempe [argues that both Margery and the second scribe consciously shaped the text in response to the commentary tradition].
Source: Studia Mystica New Series , 16., 1 ( 1995):  Pages 106 - 115.
Year of Publication: 1995.

7. Record Number: 10004
Author(s): Minnis, Alastair J.
Title : Authors in Love: The Exegesis of Late-Medieval Love-Poets [Vernacular poets who wrote about secular love sometimes appropriated techniques of literary criticism from a long scholastic tradition, which involved the interpretation of the Bible or Latin authors like Ovid. By appropriating exegetical (interpretive) practices like learned prologues and glosses within their own manuscripts, vernacular authors gained an authority that was previously reserved only for Latin writers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Uses of manuscripts in literary studies: essays in memory of Judson Boyce Allen.   Edited by Charlotte Cook Morse, Penelope Reed Doob, and Marjorie Curry Woods Studies in medieval culture .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1992. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion , 8., 1 (Spring 1992):  Pages 161 - 189.
Year of Publication: 1992.

8. Record Number: 8629
Author(s): Gibson, Joan.
Title : Could Christ Have Been Born a Woman? A Medieval Debate [The author examines medieval commentaries on Christ’s sex and gender, in particular focusing on responses to the question of whether Christ could have been incarnated as a woman instead of a man. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion , 8., 1 (Spring 1992):  Pages 65 - 82.
Year of Publication: 1992.

9. Record Number: 11817
Title : Cantigas d'escarnho and "serranillas": The Allegory of Careless Love [Sexually explicit texts that parodied literary works of courtly poets (like Bernart de Ventadorn) or obscene poems that satirized medical texts could serve legitimate purposes. Obscene literature participated in an interpretive network alongside other types of texts. Whether directly or indirectly (through allegory, allusion, or double entendre), these texts commented upon or critiqued the themes of more prestigious genres like courtly literature. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies , 68., 2 (April 1991):  Pages 247 - 263.
Year of Publication: 1991.

10. Record Number: 12754
Author(s): Lewis, Suzanne.
Title : The Apocalypse of Isabella of France: Paris, Bibl. Nat. MS Fr. 13096. The Appendix outlines the picture cycle and text of the manuscript, listing the text (by chapter and verse number) and subject matter of images on each folio [Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: Art Bulletin , 72., 2 (June 1990):  Pages 224 - 260.
Year of Publication: 1990.

11. Record Number: 11198
Author(s): Smith, Susan L.
Title : The Power of Women Topos on a Fourteenth-Century Embroidery
Source: Viator , 12., ( 1990):  Pages 203 - 234.
Year of Publication: 1990.

12. Record Number: 32917
Title : Woman Clothed with the Sun
Source: Art Bulletin , 72., 2 (June 1990):
Year of Publication: